The Stimson Center has issued a report arguing that addressing justice and security concerns in tandem can help address global problems. The report puts forward 20 recommendations for global governance renewal “in support of inclusive, networked, and effective multilateralism” ahead of the 2023 Summit of the Future envisioned in the UN Secretary-General’s ‘Our Common Agenda.’

The report’s recommendations, “intended to encourage more ambitious, forward-looking thinking” and innovation, are as follows.

On conflict prevention and management for building peace:

  • Advance inclusive and just peace through a new agenda for peace;
  • Increase representation in the Security Council for strengthened collective security;
  • Prevent and recover from conflicts through a new peacebuilding council and audit;
  • Boost the reach of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and International Criminal Court (ICC) for global justice; and
  • Develop the Secretary-General’s proposed emergency platform and associated UN rapid crisis response capacities.

On COVID-19, representation, and human rights promotion:

  • Fight future pandemics through a global health threats council and pandemic framework convention;
  • Strengthen the UN Human Rights Council and Human Rights Treaty Monitoring System to better protect people;
  • Bring new voices into UN decision making through a high-level civil society champion;
  • Engage with and empower young people through a UN youth office and council; and
  • Foster intergenerational equity through a declaration, and special envoy for, future generations.

On climate action and governing the global commons:

  • Repurpose the Trusteeship Council to better govern the global commons;
  • Rethink the UNFCCC and Conferences of the Parties (COPs) for enhanced climate governance;
  • Manage and regenerate natural resources through global forestry governance;
  • Make green technology more accessible to developing countries to combat climate change; and
  • Expand and safeguard connectivity through a global digital compact.

On collaborative economy and promoting global public goods:

  • Accelerate equitable socioeconomic recovery through a G20+ biennial summit;
  • Revitalize and streamline the UN General Assembly (UNGA) for improved global decision making;
  • Enhance democratic legitimacy and effectiveness through a UN parliamentary network;
  • Forge sustainable development funding compact that leverages public-private partnerships (PPPs); and
  • Combat corruption and illicit financial flows through an international anti-corruption court.

The report also outlines seven steps to prepare for, and maximize the impact of, the 2023 Summit of the Future: 1) design an inclusive, forward-leaning modalities resolution; 2) set up a small UN Secretariat organizing team; 3) promote globally the findings and recommendations of the High-Level Advisory Board on Effective Multilateralism; 4) encourage robust engagement across civil society worldwide; 5) build consensus around select global governance strengthening proposals; 6) adopt a “Pact for the Future” and other strategic frameworks for global action at the Summit; and 7) establish Summit follow-through mechanisms.

The report is based on the research and policy dialogues initially undertaken for the Albright-Gambari Commission. The Stimson Center and the Hague Institute for Global Justice convened the Commission on Global Security, Justice & Governance, co-chaired by former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and former Foreign Minister of Nigeria Ibrahim Gambari, in 2014. The Commission sought to develop “new frameworks for collective action in response to threats to global security and justice.”

Titled, ‘Road to 2023: Our Common Agenda and the Pact for the Future,’ the publication is an output of the Global Governance Innovation Network – a collaborative project of the Stimson Center, Academic Council on the UN System (ACUNS), Plataforma CIPÓ, and Leiden University. [Publication: Road to 2023: Our Common Agenda and the Pact for the Future] [Executive Summary]