11 May 2018: The Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) has hosted a ground breaking ceremony to begin construction of the Pacific Climate Change Centre (PCCC), a regional hub for collaboration and coordination to support climate-resilient development and responses to climate change.

The regional Centre of excellence for climate change information, research and innovation, to be based at SPREP headquarters in Apia, Samoa, will host climate change experts, researchers and officials for applied research, training and policy initiatives. It will be constructed according to green guidelines, with an initial 50% of its energy driven by solar panels, and the objective of increasing its renewable energy share to 100% in the future.

Speaking about the Centre, Samoan Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi underscored that it will play a critical role in enhancing the region’s awareness regarding the “complexities of climate change” and its impacts, including associated threats and opportunities. SPREP Director-General Kosi Latu said the Centre will act as a catalyst for Pacific climate change action.

The Centre will support implementation of the Pacific Roadmap for Strengthened Climate Services.

More specifically, the PCCC will, inter alia: deliver capacity development programmes in adaptation, mitigation, climate services and project development; improve the flow of climate change information between users and providers, including meteorological services, climate practitioners, policy makers and implementers, researchers and scientists; and provide a space for visiting researchers and experts to work and provide support to the region. It will also: improve access to scientifically robust, practical information; host and support applied research aligned with the needs of Pacific communities; and support implementation of the proposed Pacific climate science research strategy.

The Centre will improve coordination of climate change training efforts by building partnerships and promoting events; foster innovation and promote the development of new climate services and products; host “challenge events” to bring together stakeholders to find solutions to climate-related problems; and support implementation of the Pacific Roadmap for Strengthened Climate Services 2017-2016.

The Centre is a partnership between the Governments of Japan and Samoa, and is funded under a grant through the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) for the Government of Samoa as the host country of SPREP. First endorsed in 2012, the concept of the PCCC was officially approved at the seventh Pacific Island Leaders Meeting in 2015 in Japan.

The commencement of construction of the Centre coincided with SPREP’s 25-year anniversary celebrations on 11 May. [SPREP Press Release on May Events] [Press Release on PCCC Groundbreaking] [PCCC Webpage] [Pacific Roadmap for Strengthened Climate Services]