26 May 2018: iTech Mission, a social enterprise, has launched the ‘SDG Interactive Data Dashboard’ for monitoring progress towards the SDGs. The tool uses data from the UN Statistics Division’s (UNSD) SDG Global Database, which was opened in April 2018, in a way that allows users to explore and visualize data to analyze progress.

Users can adapt the SDG Interactive Data Dashboard to monitor their country’s progress on the SDGs, and explore trends on particular SDGs, indicators and/or targets. To explore a particular Goal or target, the Dashboard’s tools enable users to create graphs, bubble or rank charts, tree maps or tables, among other outputs. Users can choose to display SDG indicators using different metrics, such as by number, percent, total or kilometers, depending on the indicator type.

A monitoring tool displays a given target and its indicators, and provides information on the data value, unit and trend. By clicking on the value, users can view trends over time towards the target. Users can also choose to track and monitor data on the SDGs that are most important to them, or to create country profiles.

The Dashboard includes the capability to link national statistical office (NSO) data and government databases with the Dashboard. A ‘Citizens Vote’ tool allows users to identify the six issues that are most important to them, out of a total of 16 issues, ranging from a good education to action taken on climate change. Users can then see how their priorities compare with others, and view priorities around the world. Votes are recorded with the user’s gender, age, education level and location.

Users can request to be notified when data is updated or when suggested data is included in the dashboard. [SDG Interactive Data Dashboard] [iTech Mission website] [iTech Mission video on dashboard]