CMPCC11 October 2015: The Peoples World Conference on Climate Change and the Defense of Life was intended as “an urgent response to a failed capitalist system and civilization model that are the structural causes of the climate crisis.” The Conference, which took place from 10-12 October 2015, in Tiquipaya, Bolivia, included working group discussions on: the threats of capitalism against life; climate change and the culture of life; and continuing on the path of the defense of life.

In a statement to the Conference, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon noted that Bolivia is one of the few countries in the world with as many women as men in its Parliament and that guaranteeing women’s participation in decision making “is crucial not just for gender equality, but for inclusive democracy and sustainable development.” He added that the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development must be implemented in culturally-appropriate ways, and commended Bolivia and President Evo Morales for introducing International Mother Earth Day to the UN General Assembly (UNGA) in 2009.

Ban recalled a statement by President Morales, who said that wellbeing is not only about material advantages, but also about social and spiritual wellbeing. He underlined that: caring for Mother Earth is a moral issue, particularly regarding climate change; much can be learned from indigenous peoples in combating climate change and managing the Earth’s resources in a sustainable manner; and the Paris Climate Change Conference must be a turning point in “our collective effort to protect Mother Earth.”

The conference concluded with the adoption of a statement that demands that the Declaration of Rights of Indigenous Peoples be fully recognized, implemented and integrated into the climate change negotiations. It also mentions a proposal within the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) on a ‘Climate Justice Index.’ It further calls on developed countries to commit to quantified emissions reduction targets, based on their differentiated responsibilities, and to honor their climate debt.

The statement also calls for, inter alia: an International Climate Justice Tribunal; the creation of a multilateral and multidisciplinary mechanism for participatory control, management and ongoing evaluation of the transfer and exchange of technology and knowledge; universal recognition of the rights of Mother Earth; climate science that serves humanity and Mother Earth, not capitalism; and the strengthening of the non-commercialization of nature. [Conference Website] [Statement of the Peoples World Conference on Climate Change and the Defense of Life] [UN Press Release] [Statement of the UN Secretary-General]