IFPRI Logo8 September 2014: The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) has launched a new website showcasing ongoing climate change research and project activities. The website aims to gather content, such as blogs, research outputs and project updates, from IFPRI climate change-related research and work seeking to assist small-scale farmers in finding ways to sustainably adapt and build resilience to a changing climate.

The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) funds much of the climate-related work at IFPRI, which covers, inter alia, Latin America, Africa, and South and South East Asia.

The website provides a new platform for IFPRI to publish information on climate change and food policy activities and outputs, including many CCAFS activities. The site features blog stories, project profiles, the climate research team, and most recent publications and updates.

IFPRI work covers global-, country-, and farm-level analyses, and uses water, crop and economic models to assess the impacts of climate change on agricultural activities. Based on these analyses, researchers at IFPRI identify technologies, tools, incentives and policies that help smallholders to grow food and improve their livelihoods. IFPRI is a member of CGIAR. [IFPRI Climate Change Website] [CGIAR-CCAFS Blog Post]