12 February 2018: The presidencies of the 23rd and 24th sessions of the Conferences of the Parties to the UNFCCC (COP 23 and COP 24) have detailed a process to prepare for achieving greater climate action. The message issued on 8 February 2018 outlines the Talanoa Dialogue process, including a preparatory phase and a political phase. Events throughout the year will culminate in a high-level Dialogue at COP 24, convening in November 2018, in Katowice, Poland.

‘Talanoa’ is the traditional word used in Fiji to describe an inclusive and transparent dialogue and decision-making process. In the context of the climate change process, the Talanoa Dialogue will provide the opportunity for countries, cities, regions, the business sector, investors and civil society to assess progress made towards achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement on climate change. They will also be able to share ideas, recommendations and information that can contribute towards increasing ambition under the Paris Agreement and in support of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

An online platform has been launched to enable stakeholders to share information, provide resources, and make submissions on the Dialogue’s central questions.

According to the message from the current and incoming presidencies (Fiji and Poland, respectively), the preparatory phase will include mandated events and interactive processes. An online platform has been launched that enables stakeholders to: share information about the Dialogue; provide any resources to facilitate the “full and effective” participation in the process; and make submissions regarding three “central questions” outlined in the presidents’ message: Where are we? Where do we want to go? and How do we get there? The portal will also have access to videos on how a Talanoa Dialogue is traditionally conducted.

Online submissions will be collated in April and October, with the first set of submissions informing the Dialogue during the April/May Bonn session. Throughout 2018, the Presidencies will discuss the Dialogue with Party and non-Party stakeholders through, inter alia, workshops, webinars, forums and relevant meetings. In addition, all stakeholders are being encouraged to convene their own meetings to strategize and provide input to the Dialogue.

The discussions during the May Dialogue will provide the first opportunity for Party and non-Party stakeholders to interact in a Talanoa Dialogue setting. The discussions will be summarized along with the submissions and inputs received throughout the year. The summary is a first step towards a synthesis report that will be produced to inform the political phase of the Talanoa Dialogue, which will take place at COP 24, and will bring together Heads of State and high-level representatives to take stock of efforts made towards achieving the Paris Agreement’s long-term goals and to inform the preparation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).

At the city and regional levels, conversations are also expected take place in 40 countries on how to the increase ambition at the sub-national level to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement. The ‘Cities and Regions Talanoa Dialogues’ will be facilitated by ICLEI -Local Governments for Sustainability, in partnership with the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy and UN-Habitat. This initiative aims to accelerate engagement of the urban community in climate action, building on sustainable urbanization and low-emission and resilient development. The cities and regions process will feed into the Climate Summit of Local and Regional Leaders at COP 24, with follow-up beyond 2018.

The Talanoa Dialogue was launched at the UN Climate Change Conference in Bonn, Germany, in November 2017 (COP 23), and will run throughout 2018. [UNFCCC Press Release on Talanoa Dialogue Process] [UNFCCC Press Release on Cities and Regions Dialogue] [Talanoa Dialogue Portal] [Cities and Regions Talanoa Dialogues][SDG Knowledge Hub story on launch of Talanoa Dialogue Platform]