CBD21 October 2014: Mandated by the twelfth meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP 12) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the CBD Secretariat will be cooperating with the Collaborative Partnership on Sustainable Wildlife Management to prepare technical guidance on the role of sustainable wildlife management in the implementation of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020, and prepare an analysis of the impacts of ‘subsistence use’ of wildlife on the survival and regeneration of wild species, as well as support Parties in developing and implementing integrated sustainable wildlife management programmes.

The COP decision also encourages Parties to develop or revise their regulatory systems to differentiate between subsistence uses and illegal hunting; reform incentives that might encourage unsustainable consumption; strengthen the capacity of indigenous and local communities to exercise their rights and responsibilities in relation to the sustainable management of wildlife; and minimize the impacts of illegal hunting on the subsistence hunting and livelihoods of indigenous and local communities.

“Sustainable management of wildlife is a key issue in the good governance of biodiversity,” said Braulio Dias, CBD Executive Secretary, speaking at the fourth meeting of the Collaborative Partnership on Sustainable Wildlife Management, held at the margins of COP 12. The Collaborative Partnership on Sustainable Wildlife Management comprises 14 international organizations and is hosted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO). [CBD Press Release][Collaborative Partnership on Sustainable Wildlife Management Webpage][COP 12 Decisions][IISD RS Coverage of COP 12]