6 June 2010: UN agencies celebrated World Environment Day on 6 June 2010, under the theme “Many Species. One Planet. One Future.” The celebrations included a number of activities, such as the launch of “Greening the Blue,” which aims to encourage UN agencies to become climate neutral, solar power activities in Rwanda, and a website devoted to informing youth about climate.

In a statement delivered to mark the Day, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called on all UN agencies, funds and programmes to become climate neutral. He launched “Greening the Blue,” which showcases ongoing UN activities aimed at making the organization more sustainable and provides advice to staff on how they can contribute. The activity includes greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories of 49 UN organizations, as well as tips and tools for staff on how to reduce their personal carbon footprints.
Rwanda, the global host of World Environment Day 2010, organized celebrations. In support of the Government of Rwanda’s pursuit of a low-carbon, green path to economic development, the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) World Environment Day Legacy Initiative received the donation of 300 solar home systems by energy company Philips.

Also on the occasion of World Environment Day, the UN World Meteorological Organization (WMO) launched “Youth Corner,” a website dedicated to children and teens to answer frequently asked questions about weather, climate and water. [WMO Youth Corner] [Greening the Blue Website] [UNEP Press Release] [World Environment Day 2010 Website] [UN Press Release]