The World Climate Conference-3 (WCC-3) convened in Geneva, Switzerland, from 31 August-4 September 2009, under the theme “Better climate information for a better future.” The conference was attended by more than 2000 participants, including seven heads of state and a number of ministers. Participants attended sessions on a variety of topics, including on: climate risk management; economic and social benefits of climate information; advancing climate prediction science; climate and sustainable energy; seasonal-to-interannual climate variability; climate, transportation and tourism; climate adaptation and the Copenhagen process; climate extremes, warning systems, and disaster risk reduction; climate and biodiversity and natural resource management; climate and food security; climate of oceans and coasts; regional climate information for risk management; and communicating climate information.
During the high-level segment participants approved a conference declaration deciding to establish a Global Framework for Climate Services. In the conference declaration, the heads of state, ministers and heads of delegation, inter alia: decide to establish a global framework for climate services to strengthen production, availability, delivery and application of science-based climate prediction services; request the World Metrological Organization (WMO) to convene an intergovernmental meeting within four months to approve the terms of reference and approve the composition of a high-level task force, and decide that the task force shall prepare a report on the development and implementation of the framework, to be considered by the 2011 WMO Congress.
In her address to the conference, UN Development Programme Administrator Helen Clark spoke of the need to improve climate prediction for climate risk management to safeguard progress made towards the Millennium Development Goals and poverty reduction in general. She said UNDP is one of the supporters of the Global Framework for Climate Services, called for under the WCC-3 High-Level Declaration.
Links to further information
IISD RS coverage
World Climate Conference-3 website
WCC-3 High-Level Declaration
UNDP Newsroom, 3 September 2009