26 January 2011: The World Bank has announced that it will begin, on 4 February 2011, virtual consultations on its new Technology Strategy. The consultations will guide the Bank’s work in using technological improvements as a driver for human development during the next five years.

World Bank Managing Director Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala noted that there are more than three billion mobile phones in the developing world and said the Bank wants “to take it to the next level and support the use of mobile phones and the Internet as platforms for social services, green growth, and social accountability,” in order to increase the well being and incomes of the poor. Major goals of the strategy include: increasing the number of people with affordable Internet access; boosting the use of cell phones and other information technologies to deliver health, education and other development outcomes; and helping make governments, service providers and development agencies accountable for results.

The public is invited to comment through real-time consultations on 4 February for the Americas; 8 February for Europe, Africa and Middle East; and 17 February for Asia. [World Bank Press Release] [Consultations Website]