World Bank22 August 2012: The World Bank has published the 2011 Annual Report of the Water Partnership Programme (WPP), which highlights WPP impacts on: World Bank lending; climate change effects on water access; sustainable water availability; and achieving green growth.

The annual report, titled “Strengthen, Secure, Sustain,” features chapters on: strengthening the practice for water security – climate change tools, investing to feed the future, energy and water a recipe for green growth, and spotlight on Africa; expert support teams – global knowledge, local expertise; beyond results – knowledge, capacity building, partnerships and programme impact; and WPP Phase II – towards a sustained and water secure world. The report highlights the importance of integrated water resources management (IWRM).

On climate change, the report notes that the WPP is facilitating adoption of climate-resilient tools and strategies. Also discussed is the World Bank’s scaled up lending for irrigation and drainage projects with the objective of promoting growth through investment in water for agriculture and the re-engagement of the World Bank in hydropower lending.

In spotlight on Africa, the report highlights that the African continent receives 34% of WPP funds through a number of projects strengthening water management institutions, investing in water supply and sanitation systems, infrastructure development to improve resilience in areas of chronic drought, and helping found the Groundwater Management Institute for Southern Africa (GMISA), among other projects.

In conclusion, the annual report outlines WPP Phase II, which will: mainstream water services and management in climate resilient green growth; and add a programmatic window to mainstream water into projects on agriculture, energy, urban development and disaster risk management (DRM), as well as develop pilot projects to facilitate longer-term investment. Phase II will also implement a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework to ensure programme accountability. [Publication: 2011 Annual Report on the Water Partnership Programme] [Publication Website]