15 February 2011: The World Bank Institute is offering a free e-learning course on the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and Joint Implementation (JI).

The “self-paced” e-learning course, “Clean Development Mechanisms and Joint Implementation: Navigating the Kyoto Project-Based Mechanisms” offers ten modules aimed at explaining the Kyoto Protocol’s project-based mechanisms, their governance structures, how to start a CDM or JI project, and understanding the CDM and JI project cycles and corresponding rules and procedures. It also includes practical tips for successful implementation of CDM and JI projects.

This course is designed for various stakeholders in the carbon finance area, including project developers, technical consultants, decision makers, representatives of cities, youth, and NGOs. Learners are encouraged to allocate approximately 20 hours of time to complete the course over a fourweek period. [CDM Learning Course]