World Bank29 June 2011: The June edition of the World Bank Institute’s (WBI) Climate Change Practice e-Bulletin highlights the launch of e-learning courses on topics including carbon finance, low carbon development, energy efficiency, and agriculture, which will be offered via the new WBI e-Institute commencing in July 2011.

The newsletter also includes a video by former US President Bill Clinton who attended the C40 Summit in São Paulo, Brazil, in June 2011, as a keynote speaker. The WBI also co-organized the eighth edition of the Global Carbon Expo, which took place from 1-3 June 2011, in Barcelona, Spain, and is preparing for the upcoming Africa Carbon Forum to be held in Marrakesh, Morocco, from 4-6 July 2011, as well as for several regional events on climate change adaptation and reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries (REDD). [Publication: World Bank Institute Climate Change Practice Quarterly e-Bulletin June 2011]