World Bank - GEF18 January 2013: The World Bank has outlined the results of its assistance, with financing from the Global Environment Facility (GEF), to Belarus in the clean-up of sites contaminated with dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT). The Bank says it has assisted the Belarus Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection to develop hazardous waste disposal and management capability.

According to the Bank, the project is focusing on cleaning up a DDT burial site located in Slonim, Belarus. DDT was buried in the area over 40 years ago, and concentrations in excess of permissible limits were detected in groundwater significant distances from the burial site.

The Bank says work began in 2004 with the creation of a national program to develop national hazardous waste management treatment and disposal capacity.

In 2009, Belarus accessed GEF finance to destroy 1,800 tons of persistent organic pollutant (POP) stockpiles and waste, and to develop a long-term plan for POPs’ elimination in accordance with Stockholm Convention requirements. [World Bank Press Release] [World Bank Belarus Country Profile] [GEF Project Detail]