World BankMarch 2013: The World Bank has released a study, titled “Economics of Climate Change in the Arab World,” which presents case studies on the impacts of climate change in Syria, Tunisia and Yemen, highlighting the urgency of implementing adaptation measures.

The study underscores that climate change is already impacting the Arab region, through more frequent cyclones, floods, and prolonged droughts. It stresses the vulnerability of rural populations, who have seen their crops and herds devastated by extreme conditions. It further indicates that some are forced to abandon their traditional way of life and migrate to urban areas, and those who stay in rural areas struggle to cope with food and water scarcity.

The study estimates that future income losses due to the effects of climate change will amount to US$2 billion in Syria and Tunisia, and US$9 billion in Yemen, and recommends urgently implementing adaptation measures, particularly in rural areas.

The study further urges policymakers to mainstream climate change adaptation into development policy and planning. Noting that adaptation is an ongoing process, it stresses that it can also boost development in the region through green growth and job creation. [Publication: Economics of Climate Change in the Arab World]