World Bank - GEF10 February 2015: The World Bank has approved a US$9.59 million grant from the Global Environment Facility (GEF) aimed at preserving biodiversity in Panama’s Atlantic and Central-Eastern regions. The grant will complement funding from the Government of Panama, municipalities and the private sector to enhance the effectiveness of protected areas (PAs) management and improve the livelihoods of nearly 50,000 Panamanians in rural and indigenous communities.

The Sustainable Production Systems and Conservation of Biodiversity Project, to be implemented by the National Environment Authority of Panama (ANAM) over the period of five years, will advance safeguarding efforts in: the Bocas del Toro, Coclé, Colón, Chiriquí, Los Santos, Panama and Veraguas provinces; the Guna Yala and Ngäbe-Buglé indigenous peoples’ regions (‘comarcas’); and the Bribri and Naso-Teribe indigenous peoples’ territories, where numerous species of conservation concern are found. The project will seek to preserve the resilience of regional ecosystems, and encourage sustainable harvesting and biodiversity-friendly practices among farmers and small producers.

The project’s main goals include: improving the effectiveness of PAs management with alliances for participatory management and biodiversity monitoring, while ensuring financial sustainability of conservation efforts; scaling up biodiversity-friendly production systems; and raising awareness of biodiversity-friendly products and the economic value of biodiversity, strengthening citizens’ engagement, and promoting partnerships for PAs management. [World Bank Press Release]