World Bank - GEF27 March 2012: The World Bank has approved a US$1.82 million grant from the Global Environment Facility (GEF) to support energy efficiency at public facilities in Armenia.

The Energy Efficiency Project for Armenia aims to reduce energy consumption in public facilities, such as schools, hospitals, and administrative buildings, among other public institutions. The project will finance: the insulation of walls, basements and attics; repair or replace external doors and windows; window optimization; reflective surfacing of walls behind radiators; improve or replace boilers and heating systems;and replace mercury vapor lamps with high-pressure sodium vapor lamps. It is estimated that this project will reduce public sector energy consumption by 35 percent.

The grant will support both on-the-ground measures and policy reform. In terms of policy reform, it will remove legal and regulatory barriers to energy efficient policy in the public sector, as well as energy efficiency training programs for public employees. [World Bank Press Release]