6jan_10_05December 2009: The World Agroforestry Centre and Alternatives to Slash and Burn (ASB) Partnership for the Tropical Forest Margins, members of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), launched a series of policy briefs alongside the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference in December 2009. The briefs address reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries (REDD), agroforestry and African biocarbon experiences.

The two briefs on REDD focus on the global distribution of REDD readiness activities, as well as on perceptions of fairness and efficiency along the REDD value chain in Peru and Indonesia. The brief on global distribution notes that REDD readiness is not evenly distributed around the world, it being highest in Brazil and Indonesia and lowest in Africa. It also highlights that biodiversity co-benefits are a major motivator of REDD readiness. The brief on fairness and efficiency of REDD introduces the Fair and Efficient REDD Value Chain (FERVA) method for exploring perceptions of REDD implementation. It notes that expectations of benefits from the REDD value chain vary dramatically among stakeholders.

The policy brief on agroforestry notes the role of trees on farms for contributing to mitigation, providing resilience against climate impacts and improving food security. It calls for payments for ecosystem services, in particular carbon finance, to contribute to promoting trees on farms.

The policy brief on African biocarbon experiences, prepared in collaboration with the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), notes that Africa has over 100 biocarbon projects, but that less than 5% are generating financial benefits. The brief highlights barriers that must be addressed, including complex rules set by buyers, high costs and weak governance. [Global Survey of REDD Projects][Perceptions on Fairness and Efficiency of the REDD Value Chain][Trees on Farms: Tacking the Triple Challenge of Mitigation, Adaptation and Food Security][Africa’s Biocarbon Experience]