3 July 2017: A workshop organized under the auspices 16th African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN 16) sought to develop a framework outlining approaches to support women entrepreneurs in sustainable energy. The event was held under the theme, ‘Unlocking Opportunities for Women Entrepreneurs in Sustainable Energy: Towards Achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and AU Agenda 2063.’

The results of the workshop are summarized in the ‘Libreville Outcome Statement on Women Entrepreneurs and Sustainable Energy in Africa.’ The Statement includes recommendations to African Governments to: adopt clear and coherent gender-responsive policies; increase access to energy finance and markets; build technical and business skills and competencies; and utilize existing networks to create access to start-up capital.

The recommendations will be in incorporated in a forthcoming project led by UN Environment (UNEP) on gender and sustainable energy to accelerate Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) in Africa. The workshop was held 13-14 June 2017, in Libreville, Gabon, and was supported by UN University Promotion of Gender Equality through Research and Education (UNU-GEST), UN Environment, UN Women and other partners. [UNU Press Release] [UNU-GEST Press Release][Libreville Outcome Statement on Women Entrepreneurs and Sustainable Energy in Africa]