28 February 2012: The report of a workshop on the thematic content of the first Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) work programme, which was organized by the University of Copenhagen, the European Platform for Biodiversity Research Strategy (EPBRS) and the Danish Ministry of Environment, is now available.

The workshop, held from 16-18 January 2012, in Copenhagen, Denmark, considered various subjects related to possible themes, methodologies and approaches for the first work programme of the IPBES. At the workshop, key note speakers provided their inputs, which were then discussed in smaller breakout groups and collected in a Chair’s Summary on the last day of the event. The workshop report contains presentations from key note speakers, a Chair’s summary, and reports from the breakout groups.

Workshop participants recommended that all four functions of the IPBES be integrated in relevant aspects of the first work programme. They noted that assessments of knowledge on biodiversity and ecosystem services should be designed to help identify and prioritize key scientific information needed for policy makers at appropriate scales. They also highlighted that Europe with its knowledge-base is particularly ready to contribute actively to the first work programme with experience, resources and assessments.

In particular, participants agreed that details of the initial scoping process need to be defined and operationalized in 2012, based on decisions made at the second session of a plenary meeting on IPBES, to be held in Panama City in April 2012. They also emphasized that procedures for inclusion of traditional knowledge in assessments be developed, taking into account best practices. [Report of the Copenhagen Workshop on the IPBES Work Programme]