May 2008: The sixtieth session of the World Meteorological Organization’s (WMO) Executive Council is scheduled to convene from 18-27 June 2008, in Geneva, Switzerland. Climate-related issues will be discussed under several agenda items. Council members will be invited to express their views on the work plan for the designation process for WMO Regional Climate Centres and on the establishment of a mechanism to facilitate development of climate prediction services for adaptation in developing countries. WMO activities on socio-economic assessments and application of weather and climate services to the health, energy and tourism sectors and urbanization, as well as climate risk management, will also be addressed by the Council.

Under the agenda item ‘résumé of the activities of the Organization and its constituent bodies since the fifty-ninth session of the Council,’ the WMO President will report on the WMO’s letter to the heads of G8 countries, in view of the forthcoming Hokkaido Summit. In the letter, WMO called upon the G8 countries to adopt decisive measures to broaden assistance to developing countries, particularly in Africa, in strengthening their climate observation, research, prediction and early warning systems.
Among other issues, the Executive Council will review aspects of the co-sponsored World Climate Research Programme. IPCC Chair Rajendra Pachauri will report to the Council on the Fourth Assessment Report and ongoing activities of the Panel. Under the agenda item on future challenges and opportunities, the Council will consider prospects to enhance WMO’s role in a UN coordinated response to climate change and to position itself as a lead agency. Possible WMO initiatives and the level of WMO commitment for the process will be discussed in this regard. [Documents of the 60th Session of the WMO Executive Council]