GWP WMO20 November 2014: The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the Global Water Partnership Central and Eastern Europe (GWP-CEE) released a video on the Integrated Drought Management Programme in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). The video notes increasing economic losses due to drought in the CEE region.

The video highlights the launch of the Integrated Drought Management Programme by WMO and GWP in 2013, noting CEE is the first region to undertake the programme. The video describes solutions used to reduce drought risk, such as modern irrigation techniques, better forecasting and small retention methods to prevent runoff.

The video notes the impacts of drought on energy, transport, industry and domestic use sectors, which result in increased competition for scarce resources. The Integrated Drought Management Programme emphasizes proactive drought risk reduction, in part through development of better predictive capabilities, according to the video.

GWP released the video on the occasion of National Consultation Dialogues that are taking place in Lithuania and Romania. [WMO Press Release] [GWP Press Release] [GWP-CEE Integrated Drought Management Programme Video] [National Consultation Dialogues Website]