© WMO3 June 2009: At its 61st annual session, which is taking place from 3-12 June 2009, in Geneva, Switzerland, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Executive Council will address a range of issues in order to enhance the provision of critical weather, water and climate assessments and services.

A key agenda item includes the preparation of the third World Climate Conference, which will convene in Geneva from 31 August-4 September 2009. Delegates will also address coordinating climate activities with the UN system and strengthening weather, water and climate data, assessments and services available to WMO members.
At the opening session, Alexander Bedritsky, President of WMO, underlined that the meeting is taking place “in a year during which all countries and international organizations are working to combat economic and food crises and engage in multilateral negotiations to tackle climate change and adapt to and mitigate its effects.” He added that “weather-, water- and climate-related natural disasters continue to affect humankind, not only causing fatalities but also leading to long term economic consequences,” and indicated that the Executive Council will take decisions to support actions to address these issues. [Press Release] [Meeting Documents]