7 March 2012: The latest issue of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Bulletin has taken as its theme “reaching users with climate services,” and focuses on user needs, climate science and disaster reduction.

The Bulletin opens with an abridged version of a speech by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina of Bangladesh to the WMO’s 16th World Meteorological Congress in June 2011. In this speech, the Prime Minister supported a Global Framework for Climate Services to facilitate international cooperation in science-based climate prediction and services. This is followed by articles on user needs in the water, agriculture and energy sectors, as well an item showcasing a project in Ethiopia that may provide a template for improved climate services in the region.

The Bulletin also includes a “climate mosaic,” a thought-provoking of photo series on climate change that are meant to stimulate debate, and two articles reflecting on climate science. Finally, the Bulletin features three articles on disaster risk reduction (DRR), looking at experiences with climate services in Africa and the Pacific, as well as efforts by the Republic of Korea and the UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UN/ISDR) to make cities more resilient.

The WMO Bulletin, which has been published since 1952, aims to provide a periodic summary of activities and developments in international meteorology. [Bulletin Issue Overview] [Index of Articles]