June 2011: The official website in support of the 2012 “International Year for Sustainable Energy for All,” with information on the Year itself, recent and future events, how to get involved, other resources, and partners, has been launched.

Recognizing that an estimated that 1.4 billion people lack access to electricity, while almost half of the world’s population, 2.7 billion people, use traditional biomass for cooking and heating, in December 2010, the UN General Assembly (UNGA) adopted a resolution proclaiming 2012 as the “International Year for Sustainable Energy for All” (Resolution 65/151). Recognizing that access to affordable modern energy services is essential for sustainable development, reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the Year is aimed at creating “an enabling environment for the promotion and use of new and renewable energy technologies, including measures to improve access to such technologies.” The International Year of Sustainable Energy for All is organized with the help of, inter alia: UN-Energy; the UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO); the UN Foundation; the UN Development Programme (UNDP); the Asian Development Bank (ADB); and the UN Environment Programme (UNEP). The website was created and is maintained by the UN Foundation. [International Year for Sustainable Energy for All Website]