cbfp22 July 2013: The Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP) reported on the multi-stakeholder consultation held throughout the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) in order to enhance participation in and ownership of the 2013-2015 CBFP roadmap. This consultation was part of a sub-regional tour of the United States CBFP Facilitation Team, which assumed the role of CBFP Facilitator, a two year rotating position, in July 2013.

The consultations considered: possible synergies between organizations and the CBFP to improve coordination and project implementation; the information and technical needs for project implementation; and how the US as CBFP Facilitator, could enhance the participation of women, youth, local communities and other key groups.

Other discussions held during the consultations focused on environmental education, REDD+, woodfuel, agroforestry, forest conservation challenges and private sector engagement. The discussions resulted in the suggestion that the CBFP communication platform be better utilized to highlight success stories and lessons learned through civil society activities in rural areas.

Additional multi-stakeholder consultations with the United States facilitation team were also held in Cameroon, Chad, Congo Brazzaville and Gabon. [CBFP Press Release on Consultations] [CBFP Press Release on US as Facilitator]