22 December 2010: The Secretariat of the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar Convention) reported that the Governments of the US, Belarus and Italy have designated new Wetlands of International Importance.

The US designated Humbug Marsh in Michigan as its 28th Wetland of International Importance. The site provides habitat for a number of species and is considered essential for the preservation of migrating raptor species and other migrating waterfowl and passerines that stop over in the Ramsar Site. Moreover, its lagoon serves as a spawning and nursery habitat for many fish species.

Italy designated Palude del Brusà – Le Vallette, an alluvial plain, as its 52nd Wetland of International Importance. The site is located in the municipality of Cerea in the southern part of Verona Province and is one of the largest wetlands remaining after drainage and reclamation of most of the surrounding area. It supports three species of amphibians and reptiles named in the EU Habitat Directive. Moreover, the site has an important role as a resting, breeding and wintering area for many rare species.

Belarus designated the Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve as its ninth Wetland of International Importance. The site is also listed as a Natural Area of Strict Protection, Important Bird Area and Important Plant Area. [Ramsar Press Release on US, Italy Sites] [Ramsar Press Release on Belarus Site]