22 November 2012: The UN-Water Decade Programme on Capacity Development (UNW-DPC) has issued a summary report highlighting their participation in the International Conference on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), which considered the theme “Integrations of Water with Energy and Materials in Urban Areas and Agriculture.”

The Conference took place from 21-22 November 2012, in Karlsruhe, Germany. The report highlights a panel discussion on “IWRM: From Vision to Implementation” which focused on the Karlsruhe Declaration calling for an IWRM platform to support sustainable global water management, including the possibility of establishing a Global Interaction Platform for IWRM (IWRM-GIP). The report also discusses presentations and poster sessions that took place during the course of the conference.

Among issues highlighted at the conference include: urban water management; water and energy; catchment-level water management; sustainable water use; climate change and water; competing water use; and regulatory and policy frameworks. [UNW-DPC Conference Summary Report]