UNU13 September 2015: The UN University (UNU) began releasing articles in a series called ’17 Days, 17 Goals,’ in advance of the UN Summit for the adoption of the post-2015 development agenda. The articles posted to date address the Goals on poverty, hunger, health, education and gender equality. Many stress the inter-connectedness of the SDGs, underscoring that progress on one Goals is critical for progress on others.

‘Can We End Poverty by 2030? We Can Make Real Progress’ concludes that SDG 1 to “end poverty in all its forms everywhere” by 2030 is too ambitious, suggesting that 8-9% of the developing world’s population will still be poor in 2030. The paper questions where the poverty line is drawn, discusses challenges in achieving SDG 1, and recommends concentrating poverty reduction and development efforts on Sub-Saharan Africa.

‘Taking Hunger Out of the Poverty Equation’ addresses SDG 2 on hunger, food security and nutrition and agriculture, calling for a nexus approach and appropriate management of the water-soil-waste nexus.

‘Getting Past the Pathological: Governing Global Health’ discusses SDG 3 on health and, more generally, the challenges of formulating the SDGs and accountability mechanisms to ensure their implementation.

‘Change Through Learning: Advancing Sustainable Development through Education’ considers how to align learning outcomes and skills with sustainable development and the green economy, and calls for “conscious learning, knowledge acquisition and co-creation.” A second paper on education, ‘Education is the Measure, and the Premise, of Progress,’ discusses challenges in achieving four main themes addressed by SDG 4 on education.

Two papers address SDG 5 on gender equality and empowerment of all women and girls. ‘A Question of Parity and Empowerment’ underscores the role of addressing gender issues in achieving sustainable development. ‘Equality Relies on Synergies and Mindsets’ argues that progress will depend on changing individual beliefs and systemic restrictions.

UNU notes that the articles posted in the 17 days leading up to the Summit aim to explore the issues and realities underlying each of the 17 goals. [UNU Global Goals Webpage] [Publication: Can We End Poverty by 2030] [Publication: Taking Hunger Out of the Poverty Equation] [Publication: Getting Past the Pathological] [Publication: Change Through Learning] [Publication: Education is the Measure, and the Premise, of Progress] [Publication: A Question of Parity and Empowerment] [Publication: Equality Relies on Synergies and Mindsets]