© UNU-IASSeptember 2009: The United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS) Traditional Knowledge Initiative has recently re-launched the REDD Site, part of a pilot project on promoting the effective participation of indigenous peoples in processes for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD).

The REDD Site is an information bulletin and blog with a specific focus on the ongoing development of an international REDD mechanism and its implications for indigenous peoples. The initiative highlights REDD projects and resources relevant to indigenous peoples’ particular needs, and aims to inform discussions in the lead up to Copenhagen. The overall aims of the project are to assist with current efforts to raise awareness about REDD issues amongst indigenous peoples, and to assist indigenous peoples to develop a long-term strategy to empower themselves in REDD activities. [UNU-IAS TKI press release] [The REDD site]