23 November 2012: In the run up to the 18th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 18) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Multilateral Diplomacy Programme (MDP) of the UN Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) and UK climate and energy consultancy Ricardo-AEA held a pilot face to face training workshop in Doha, Qatar, for climate change negotiators.

The three-day workshop, which took place from 21-23 November 2012, in Doha, Qatar, was open to all negotiators with participants from the poorest and most climate vulnerable countries, and was funded by the Climate Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) Advocacy Fund. It was attended by negotiators from Sudan, Eritrea and Singapore.

Topics covered by the workshop included: a History of the Climate Negotiations up to Doha; Bridging the Ambition Gap – Negotiations on Increased Mitigation Action; Navigating UNFCCC processes and Negotiating Groups; Negotiating Techniques and Public Speaking; Getting Your Message Out There – Use of Civil Society and the Media; Textual Analysis and Drafting Techniques; and Key Issues for Doha. The workshop also included a special session on Gender and Climate Change from the Women’s Environment and Development Organisation (WEDO).

The workshop was the first stage in a three-year programme of training and capacity building whose objective is to enhance and strengthen the skills and knowledge of climate change negotiators from the poorest and most climate vulnerable countries so that they are better able to navigate international climate change processes and positively influence the outcomes of the climate change negotiations. While focusing on least developed countries (LDCs) and small island developing States (SIDS), the programme is also open to negotiators from other developing and developed countries. The future programme will include online e-Learning modules, further face to face workshops and train the trainer events and will be accessible to climate change negotiators with differing levels of skill and knowledge. The programme is free to climate change negotiators from the poorest and most climate vulnerable countries. For further information, email ccdiplomacy@unitar.org. [IISD RS Sources]