unitar_nap_gsp5 October 2015: The UN Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), in collaboration with the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Global Support Programme (GSP), has developed three NAP case studies to facilitate the sharing of good practices and lessons learned from developing countries’ experiences of the NAP process. The case studies aim to help improve countries’ access to knowledge and resources for adaptation planning and decision-making.

The three case studies are on: NAP Implementation Challenges in Malawi; Enhanced Governance for Climate Finance in Cambodia; and Skills Assessment for National Adaptation Planning in Niger. They are navigable and interactive, and use infographics, video and audio-files to facilitate learning and knowledge sharing.

The Malawi case study describes the country’s vulnerability to climate change, explaining that this includes more intense and frequent floods which affect, among other things, water availability and health. The case study then outlines one of the actions taken to address this vulnerability, in the specific area of improving access to information. It describes the establishment of seven climate change information centers and the results achieve, namely raising awareness of climate change among students, and strengthening decentralized leadership of district councils.

The Cambodia case study highlights the importance of enhanced governance for climate finance. It then sets out the measures taken by the country to strengthen its climate change institutional and financial frameworks. These measures include: undertaking a Climate Public Expenditure and Institutional Review in 2012 to examine existing public expenditures and their relevance to climate change; and developing a national Climate Change Financing Framework to guide future climate financing from domestic and international sources. The case study outlines some of the outcomes of these measures, including raising the profile of climate finance across government.

The Niger case study outlines the skills assessment approach and tool developed by the NAP-GSP. The tool was field-tested in Niger by carrying out model interviews with key informants from sector ministries, donors, research institutions and international organizations. This assessment helped identify specific skills development needs, which then led to the creation of a skills development plan.

The NAP-GSP is a programme of the UN Development Programme (UNDP) and of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), and is financed by the Global Environment Facility (GEF)-Least Developed Countries’ Fund (LDCF). [UNITAR Press Release] [Malawi Case Study] [Cambodia Case Study] [Niger Case Study] [NAP-GSP Website]