13 October 2010: The UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UN/ISDR) marked International Day for Disaster Reduction on 13 October, under the theme “My City is Getting Ready!”

UN/ISDR called on all world leaders, policy makers, chief executive officers, civil society, international financial institutions and donors to join mayors and citizens to make their cities safer against disasters, as part of the organizations Making Cities Resilient Campaign.

In a message marking International Day of Disaster Reduction, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon noted more than a billion people in Asia live within 100 kilometres of the sea, and two-thirds of the population of Latin America and the Caribbean live within 200 kilometres. He predicted serious disasters would continue for years to come due to climate changes and multiplying hazards. He recognized the activities of local governments and communities to protect themselves by building more sustainable towns and cities and commended “those cities that are acting to build resilience to climate, environmental and social risks.” To cities that have not yet joined the Campaign, he asked “Is your city ready?”

The aim of the Campaign is to enlist over 1,000 local government leaders to invest more in disaster risk reduction, including: improving urban planning, infrastructure and building safety; reinforcing drainage systems to reduce flood, storm and health threats; installing early warning systems; conducting public preparedness drills; and taking measures to adapt to the increasing impacts of climate change. [UN Secretary-General’s statement]