22 March 2011: The UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the Ministry of Knowledge Economy of the Republic of Korea have signed an agreement to strengthen cooperation and identify joint projects and activities in the fields of green growth technology and low-carbon industrial development.

The aim of the collaboration is to provide opportunities for knowledge transfer and capacity building for developing countries as they expand their Green Economy strategies. Kandeh K. Yumkella, UNIDO Director-General, outlined the objective of the collaboration, emphasizing the agreed “focus on analytical work on policy advice to developing countries on green growth and low-carbon policies and strategies, technology transfer for green growth and low-carbon industrial development, renewable energy, smart grids and the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM).”

UNIDO and the Republic of Korea will also work in support of the preparatory process for the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20), and intend to prepare joint publications on green growth and green industry. [UNIDO Press Release]