Global_renewable_energy_forum21 May 2008: The Global Renewable Energy Forum was held at the Bourbon Cataratas Hotel, in Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, from 18-21 May 2008.

The Forum, which was jointly organized by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the Brazilian Ministry of Mines and Energy, Eletrobras and Itaipu Binacional, brought together over 1000 participants and 80 accredited media from more than 50 countries, including high-level representatives and experts in energy and industry from Latin American, African and other countries, as well as representatives from UN agencies, bilateral organizations, the private sector, academia and regional and international non-governmental organizations. IISD’s report of the meeting provides background information on renewable energy meetings under UNIDO and other processes, and summarizes the discussions and outcomes of the Forum. [Global Renewable Energy Forum]