fao-unido30 November 2013: Officials from the UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) have gathered with representatives from forestry education and training institutions from Malawi, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe for a three-day project development meeting to discuss challenges facing the forestry and wood industries. Discussions at the meeting, held in Georgia, South Africa, from 27-29 November 2013, covered forest depletion, climate change, wasteful logging and wood-processing practices and other issues, with a focus on the Southern African Development Community (SADC).

The results of the meeting will be used to develop a regional program to connect the countries and stakeholders in the SADC region with best practices abroad, including through innovative teaching and training techniques, mobile and distance learning methods, and public-private partnerships.

Discussions also validated an initial situation analysis of a project called ‘Strengthening Forestry Training Centres and Wood Industries for Green Employment in the SADC Region.’ Participants underscored the need for enhanced cross-country training, noting similar challenges and expertise across the region as well as the potential for South-South collaboration between SADC countries.

In recognition of these needs and opportunities, UNIDO and FAO, following a memorandum of understanding to cooperate in forestry and wood industry, are working together to help develop sustainable forestry and wood-processing sectors in the region, including the mobilization of funds for a preparatory assistance grant for an initial analysis and stakeholder consultation. [UNIDO Press Release]