14 December 2010: The UN General Assembly (UNGA) has adopted a resolution titled “Cooperation between the United Nations and the Caribbean Community.”

In the resolution, the UNGA urges agencies, organizations and programmes of the UN system to enhance cooperation with the UN Secretary-General and the Secretary-General of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) to intensify consultations and cooperation aimed at the fulfillment of CARICOM’s objectives.

The Assembly also expresses deep concern about the persistent challenges posed by international crises in food and energy security, the impact of global warming, the loss of biodiversity and a fragile and uneven international financial system, which have increased the vulnerabilities of and seriously exacerbated the challenges for development efforts for CARICOM countries. The Assembly calls for vastly increased efforts by developed countries to strengthen the multilateral development framework to enable the UN to respond more effectively to the needs of CARICOM countries, and welcomes the convening in 2011 of the sixth general UN-CARICOM meeting to review progress in the implementation of the agreed areas and consult on additional measures and procedures to facilitate and strengthen cooperation.

The UNGA resolution also stresses the critical importance of implementing the decisions adopted at the High-level Review Meeting on the Mauritius Strategy (MSI) for SIDS, held on 24-25 September 2010, in New York, US, “including through the mobilization of financial and technological resources, as well as capacity-building programmes.” [The Resolution]