21 December 2012: The UN General Assembly (UNGA) has adopted a resolution on agriculture development and food security, which was forwarded for consideration by its Second Committee (Economic and Financial) at the conclusion of the 2012 session in December.

The UNGA resolution (A/RES/67/228) stresses the need for increased investment in agriculture and rural development and the need to address the root causes of food price volatility and its consequences on global food security and nutrition. The resolution also: calls on the international community to support Africa in the implementation of the various programmes under the New Partnership for Africa’s Development, especially the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme; welcomes the Zero Hunger Challenge initiative launched by the Secretary-General at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development as a vision for a future free from hunger; encourages stakeholders to take part in the consultation and negotiation processes within the Committee on World Food Security for the development of principles for responsible agricultural investment that enhances food security and nutrition, taking into account existing frameworks; encourages countries to give consideration to implementing the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security; and invites Member States and other stakeholders to give consideration to the issue of agriculture development, food security and nutrition in the discussions on the post-2015 development agenda. [Resolution on Agriculture Development and Food Security] [List of Resolutions in UN General Assembly] [UN Meeting Summary] [UN Meeting Summary of Second Committee Action]