unff114 May 2015: The UN Forum on Forests (UNFF) opened its eleventh session (UNFF11) with a view to reviewing the International Arrangement on Forests (IAF) and progress towards the achievement of the Global Objectives on Forests (GOF). The meeting will also discuss options for the future of the IAF and the UNFF, as well as the role of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF) and links with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

On the first day, delegates addressed agenda items on: organizational matters; reviewing the effectiveness of the IAF and consideration of future options; and reviewing the contribution of forests and the IAF to the internationally agreed development goals. Reports on AHEG2, the IAF independent assessment and the CLIs held during the intersessional period were also heard. In the afternoon, delegates heard statements from regional groups and Member States.

Negotiations will be supported by the ‘Review of the effectiveness of the international arrangement on forests and consideration of all future options, including Secretary-General conclusions and recommendations.’ The report from the UN Secretary General links the IAF review and UNFF deliberations to the ongoing post-2015 Sustainable Development process, calling for a strong statement from the UNFF11 high-level segment.

With regards to the future of the IAF beyond 2015, the report notes that UNFF11 may wish to consider the intersessional work on the review of the IAF and the development of proposals for the period after 2015. The report suggests: the extension of the IAF to 2030 under the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC); and the development of a new mission statement and the clarification of the IAF components. [IISD RS Coverage of UNFF11] [UNFF11 Website] [Publication: Review of the Effectiveness of the International Arrangement on Forests and Consideration of all Future Options, Including Secretary-General Conclusions and Recommendations – Report of the Secretary General]