unfccc-workshop4 March 2014: The UNFCCC Technology Executive Committee (TEC) Workshop on Technologies for Adaptation aimed to provide a platform to share experiences on the development and implementation of technologies for adaptation, and identify possible actions and recommendations by the TEC that could help promote and accelerate the development and transfer of technologies for adaptation.

The workshop, which took place on 4 March 2014, in Bonn, Germany, was organized by the TEC in collaboration with the UNFCCC Adaptation Committee (AC). It brought together around 70 participants, including members of the TEC and the AC, observers from UNFCCC parties, representatives of UN bodies, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, and resources persons. The workshop immediately preceded the Eighth Meeting of the TEC (TEC 8), which took place from 5-7 March 2014, in Bonn, Germany.

During the workshop, several speakers presented case studies on developing and implementing technologies for adaptation in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Participants exchanged views and ideas on lessons learned and barriers to, and enabling environments for, the successful implementation of adaptation technologies. Participants also suggested potential areas of action for the TEC.

Key issues discussed at the workshop included: factors for successful implementation and replication of technologies; integrated approaches; South-South transfer of know-how; opportunities for scaling up technologies; technology assessment; and capacity building.[IISD RS Coverage] [TEC Meeting Website]