23 November 2018: In preparation for the Katowice Climate Change Conference in December, the UNFCCC Secretariat published a note on counties’ progress in formulating and implementing national adaptation plans (NAPs). The Government of Nepal, with the UN Environment Programme (UNEP, or UN Environment), launched the country’s NAP. The NAP Global Network published reports highlighting lessons from sectoral adaptation planning in Senegal and communications for climate change adaptation in Peru.

The note by the UNFCCC Secretariat titled, ‘Progress in the Process to Formulate and Implement National Adaptation Plans’ (FCCC/SBI/2018/INF.13), outlines Parties’ progress in the process to formulate and implement NAPs, and provides updated information on support provided and received. It lists activities related to the NAP process undertaken by relevant Convention bodies and programmes between November 2017 and October 2018, and reviews the status of support for the NAP process from the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and the Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF). Among other initiatives, the note highlights the Integrative Framework for NAPs and SDGs (NAP-SDG iFrame), developed by the LDC Expert Group (LEG), with support from the NAP technical working group, to “help integrate different approaches and to enable the consideration of how NAPs could contribute to” the SDGs. [Progress in the Process to Formulate and Implement NAPs]

The NAP-SDG iFrame seeks to integrate different approaches and enable the consideration of how NAPs could contribute to the SDGs.

Nepal’s NAP is Asia’s first GCF-funded NAP project. With US$3 million in financing from the GCF, it aims to build institutional capacity to deal with adverse impacts of climate change by supporting multi-sectoral, medium- to long-term adaptation planning and budgeting. Nepal’s NAP’s focal areas include agriculture, food security and infrastructure resilience. [UNDP Press Release]

The NAP Global Network’s “sNAPshot” titled, ‘Linking Sectoral Adaptation Planning Processes at National and Subnational Levels: Lessons from Senegal,’ examines Senegal’s “linking national and sub-national adaptation planning through the NAP process,” otherwise known as “vertical integration.” The publication reviews the country’s participatory approach to adaptation planning in the fisheries and aquaculture sector. [Linking Sectoral Adaptation Planning Processes at National and Subnational Levels: Lessons from Senegal] [Publication Landing Page]

The ‘Peruvian National Communicators Workshop Report’ by the NAP Global Network, summarizes the outcomes of the first Peruvian National Communicators Workshop held in Lima, Peru, from 6-7 September 2018. Described by the Network as a “milestone in communications for climate change adaptation, the workshop sought to strengthen Peruvian journalists’ and communicators’ capacities for “the effective dissemination of information and awareness of the impacts of climate change” by integrating lessons learned in similar NAP Global Network events held in Saint Lucia and Fiji.

The NAP Global Network’s Secretariat is hosted by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD). [Peruvian National Communicators Workshop Report] [Publication Landing Page]