5 February 2010: The UNFCCC Secretariat has launched a new “really simple syndication” (RSS) feed service for news on the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), as well as other CDM project-related information, such as project activities submitted for registration, recently registered projects and projects under review.
Through the RSS feed service, users can receive updates on the specific information they need, as it becomes available. Switching to RSS will allow CDM stakeholders to receive information tailored to their specific needs or interests, quicken the delivery of information, and reduce the volume of email traffic, and thus the number of possible unwanted emails.
The RSS feed service will soon replace CDM News email distributions, and as of 26 March 2010, all notices will be handled only through RSS feed, by subscription. Current subscribers to CDM News will not be automatically subscribed to the CDM website RSS feeds, but would have to subscribe in order to continue receiving the information they want.
More CDM website RSS feeds are also planned in the coming months, such as: CDM Audio File service; CDM Governance (meetings of the CDM Executive Board, its panels and working groups); and CDM Methodologies. [CDM RSS Website]