© UNFCCC24 August 2009: The UNFCCC Secretariat has published thirteen examples of best practices for businesses to help the poor to adapt while increasing profitability.

Partners of the Adaptation Private Sector Initiative are already carrying out significant work on adaptation and include: the Allianz Group: Insuring against climate impacts and rewarding sustainable business practice; Caisse des Dépôts: Climate-proofing infrastructure; Cisco Systems: Improving governance through technology; Deutsche Post: Responding to disasters; International Union of Railways: Climate-proofing future investments; McKinsey & Company: Learning about the economics of adaptation; Munich Reinsurance: Building alliances around climate insurance; Ricoh: Conserving forests; Sagawa Express: Climate Savers; Siemens: Developing adaptation technology; Suntory: Conserving water resources; Thames Water: Adapting business operations; and Veolia Environment: Advancing climate knowledge. [The Initiatives]