UNFCCC30 September 2015: The UNFCCC Secretariat has published a note outlining the status of submission and review of sixth national communications (NC6) and first biennial reports (BR1) (FCCC/SBI/2015/INF.9). At the time of the note’s preparation, the Secretariat had received national communications from all 43 Annex I Parties and Kazakhstan. Twenty-six Parties submitted them before the due date of 1 January 2014, while 17 and Kazakhstan made their submissions after the due date.

Also at the time of the note’s preparation, the Secretariat had received 43 biennial reviews and 44 sets of common tabular format (CTF) tables, which enable reporting of numerical and textual information in a structured manner. Twenty-one Annex I Parties submitted their reports and 19 submitted CTF tables prior to the due date for submission of 1 January 2014, while 21 submitted their reports and 24 their CTF tables after the due date. The textual part of Turkey’s report, as well as its CTF tables, have yet to be submitted.

As of 28 September 2015, the Secretariat had coordinated 34 in-country in-depth reviews of NCs and 33 in-country technical reviews of BRs. Also as of 28 September 2015, 44 reports on the in-depth review of relevant NCs and 43 reports on the technical review of BRs had been published. A total of 41 Annex I Parties were multilaterally assessed in working group sessions under the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) at SBI 41 and 42, and summary reports of the multilateral assessment have been published. Two remaining Parties, Belarus and Kazakhstan, will be multilaterally assessed in a working group session at SBI 43, which will take place at dates to be confirmed between 30 November to 11 December 2015, in Paris, France. [Publication: Status of Submission and Review of Sixth National Communications and First Biennial Reports]