UNFCCC28 October 2014: The UNFCCC Secretariat has released a co-facilitators’ report of an in-session event on quantified economy-wide emission reduction targets of developed country parties, organized in conjunction with the 40th session of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA 40), from 8-11 June 2014. The report (FCCC/SBSTA/2014/INF.16) also contains a summary of a technical briefing on land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) reporting, held during SBSTA 39.

The technical briefing at SBSTA 39 and the in-session event at SBSTA 40 were co-chaired and co-facilitated by Karine Hertzberg (Norway) and Brian Mantlana (South Africa).

The in-session event focused on assumptions and conditions relating to quantified economy-wide emission reduction targets by developed country parties under the work programme on clarification of these. The event addressed the identification of common elements for measuring progress towards the targets, and comparing mitigation efforts with regard to the role of LULUCF and carbon credits from market-based mechanisms.

On LULUCF, the event provided an opportunity for developed country parties to clarify the role of LULUCF in their targets, and related assumptions and conditions, among other issues, with a number of parties providing additional information. Some pointed toward the difficulty of comprehending the information on the role of LULUCF in the individual targets, while others viewed the multilateral assessment under the international assessment and review (IAR) process as an opportunity to continue the clarification of assumptions and conditions.

On the use of carbon credits, parties acknowledged the importance of clarifying the use of carbon credits in market-based mechanisms in relation to the targets of developed country parties for ensuring comparability of efforts. Participants also: discussed the market-based mechanisms under the Kyoto Protocol, and new, evolving mechanisms under the Convention; and underscored the importance of ensuring the environmental integrity of carbon credits and avoiding double counting, including through the use of common accounting rules.

At its 18th session, the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC (COP 18) requested SBSTA to report to COP 20, in December 2014, on the outcome of the work programme, which is to conclude in 2014. SBSTA 40 took place from 4-15 June in Bonn, Germany. [Publication: Report on the In-session Event on Quantified Economy-Wide Emission Reduction Targets of Developed Country Parties]