UNFCCC6 November 2015: At the 11th part of the second session of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP 2-11), held October 2015, Parties requested the UNFCCC Secretariat to draft a technical paper identifying areas of closely related concepts, duplication and possible areas for streamlining in the draft Paris agreement and decisions. The paper (ADP.2015.12.InformalNote) has been released for Parties’ consideration ahead of the Paris Climate Change Conference.

The paper contains tables outlining, in three columns: the paragraph numbers of areas in the text that are closely related or duplicative; the general concepts addressed in those paragraphs; and comments on whether there is potential for consolidation and/or streamlining. In conjunction with the tables, which are organized by article of the agreement or section of the decision text, a brief summary description of the content of each article or section orients the reader in the text.

In addition to the technical paper, the Secretariat issued edited versions of the draft agreement text and associated decision text (ADP.2015.11.InformalNote) and the draft workstream 2 (pre-2020 ambition) decision (ADP.2015.10.InformalNote). These versions, dated 6 November 2015, are intended to “clean up the text” contained in the versions issued on 23 October 2015, update paragraphs numbers and update cross-references, but not change the content of the text. [Technical Paper Identifying Closely Related Concepts, Duplication and Possible Areas for Streamlining in the Draft Agreement and Draft Decision] [Draft Agreement and Draft Decision on Workstreams 1 and 2 of the ADP: Edited Version of 6 November 2015] [Draft Decision on Workstream 2 of the ADP: Edited Version of 6 November 2015] [IISD RS Coverage of ADP 2-11]