UNFCCC24 May 2013: The ADP Co-Chairs’ note for the second part of the second session of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP 2) was released to assist delegates in preparing for the upcoming ADP session and share the Co-Chairs’ views on the possible organization of work.

In their note, ADP Co-Chairs Jayant Moreshver Mauskar (India) and Harald Dovland (Norway) suggest that the June session provide a solid basis for work and possible decision making at the 19th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 19) to the UNFCCC. They outline suggestions on the organization of work with basis on parties’ feedback provided during the first part of ADP 2, held from 29 April – 3 May 2013, in Bonn, Germany. In particular, they propose the work during the June session be structured around roundtables and workshops.

Co-Chairs Mauskar and Dovland suggest that a solid basis for Workstream 1 (2015 agreement) could comprise building on areas were common ground is identified with focus on a potential set of initial elements covering substantive areas of the 2015 agreement to “facilitate movement towards textual work.” Under this Workstream, they propose a roundtable discussion on the variety of enhanced actions, including commitments, which will intend to address, inter alia: a variety of enhanced actions under international rules guided by Convention principles exploring: bottom-up and top-down elements; types of commitments and timing aspects; transparency and accountability; and ambition. A workshop on enhancing adaptation is also suggested.

On Workstream 2 (pre-2020 ambition), the Co-Chairs propose continuing to hold a roundtable on building a practical and results-oriented approach to increasing pre-2020 ambition. They also suggest organizing a workshop and briefings on energy transformation, as well as a roundtable on shifting investment patterns. Finally, the ADP Co-Chairs invite parties to consider in June further modalities for advancing the ADP work, including possible additional meetings during 2014. [Publication: ADP Co-Chairs’ Note] [IISDRS Coverage of the First Part of ADP 2] [IISDRS Coverage of the UNFCCC June Session]