UNFCCC30 July 2013: The UNFCCC Secretariat has published reviews of the individual annual submissions from Spain, New Zealand, France and Monaco.

In the report of Spain’s Individual Annual Submission Review (FCCC/ARR/2012/ESP), the Expert Review Team (ERT) concludes that Spain’s inventory submission was prepared in accordance with the UNFCCC reporting guidelines, the National Inventory Report (NIR). The ERT also indicates that the set of Common Reporting Format (CRF) tables for the years 1990-2010 are complete in terms of geographical coverage, years and sectors, as well as generally complete in terms of categories and gases. Spain has not reported on all carbon pools and emission estimates for all land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) activities. The ERT also provides general and sector-specific recommendations for improvement, including for the energy and industrial processes sector.

In the report of New Zealand’s Individual Annual Submission Review (FCCC/ARR/2012/NZL), the ERT concludes that its submission was prepared and reported in accordance with the UNFCCC reporting guidelines and the set of CRF tables for the years 1990-2010 and the NIR submitted are complete in terms of gases, years and sectors, as well as generally complete in terms of categories and geographical coverage. The ERT’s recommendations include adding further details in the NIR on the archiving system at each ministry, improving transparency on domestic civil and international aviation, and enhance the information provided under the industrial processes sector.

In the report of France’s Individual Annual Submission Review (FCCC/ARR/2012/FRA), the ERT concludes that France’s submission was prepared in accordance with the UNFCCC reporting guidelines, and that the NIR and the set of CRF tables for 1990-2010 were complete in terms of geographical coverage, years, gases, sectors and categories. The ERT provides, among others, general recommendations concerning completeness and transparency of reporting.

In the report of Monaco’s Individual Annual Submission Review (FCCC/ARR/2012/MCO) the ERT concludes that Monaco’s submission was prepared in accordance with the UNFCCC reporting guidelines and that the NIR and set of CRF tables for 1990-2010 are complete in terms of geographical coverage, years and sectors, and generally complete in terms of categories and gases. However, information on HFC emissions from domestic refrigeration and from foam blowing was not adequately provided and the ERT also concludes that carbon dioxide emissions from remaining settlements could have been underestimated. Among other things, the ERT indicates that for some categories in the energy, industrial processes and LULUCF sectors, there are still some gaps in the reporting of emissions. Moreover, the ERT recommends that Monaco improve consistency between the NIR and the CRF tables. [Publication: Report of Spain’s Individual Annual Submission Review] [Publication: Report of New Zealand’s Individual Annual Submission Review] [Publication: Report of France’s Individual Annual Submission Review] [Publication: Report of Monaco’s Individual Annual Submission Review]