UNFCCC23 October 2014: The UNFCCC has published the second annual report (FCCC/CP/2014/INF.1) to the Conference of the Parties (COP) on the operation of the registry of nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs), for consideration by the COP at its 20th session taking place in Lima, Peru in December 2014.

This report presents an overview of the improvement and operation of the registry in 2014, and is divided into two parts, as follows: a summary of information on the improvement of the registry, the main challenges faced during the second year of its operation, and the Secretariat’s efforts to support users of the registry; and an analysis of information relating to the operation of the registry, including on its user base, NAMAs and support for NAMAs recorded in the registry. The analysis focuses on: the level of participation in the registry; and NAMA entries, the support available for NAMAs and the matching of NAMAs with the support sources recorded in the registry.

The report highlights improvements made to the registry in 2014 including: modifications to the registry’s main interface to highlight the support provided to NAMAs from recorded sources of support; the addition to the registry of a NAMA registry workflow overview module to provide a comprehensive overview of the registry activities and anticipated workload; and the addition to the registry of a data export tool module to allow the export of all relevant data into a Microsoft Excel spread sheet.

Challenges identified in the report include limited use and low level of participation, the need to improve the registry’s accuracy and completeness, limited feedback from Parties and entities, and limited awareness of the potential and benefits of the registry. It also makes recommendations on how these challenges can be overcome. [Publication: Second annual report to the Conference of the Parties on the operation of the registry of nationally appropriate mitigation actions]