21 April 2010: The UNFCCC has published the reports of the individual review of the annual submissions of the European Community and Finland submitted in 2009.
In the report for the European Community (FCCC/ARR/2009/EC), the Expert Review Team (ERT) finds that the inventory is generally in line with the revised 1996 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ( IPCC) Guidelines, the IPCC good practice guidance, and the IPCC Good Practice Guidance for Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF). However, the ERT noted that the inventory is not fully in line with the Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines and the IPCC good practice guidance for certain categories because some EU-15 member States do not follow these guidelines, particularly for the allocation of emissions from iron and steel production between the energy and industrial processes sectors. The ERT finds the 2009 inventory submission to be generally of a high quality and shows significant improvement in response to recommendations made during the individual review of the greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories submitted by the European Community in 2007 and 2008. However, the ERT identified the need for further improvements, given some of the recommendations have not been implemented.
In the report of the individual review of the annual submission of Finland (FCCC/ARR/2009/FIN),the ERT finds the Finnish inventory submission to be of a high quality showing significant improvements in the structure of the national inventory report (NIR), its transparency and time-series consistency. Finland has demonstrated sufficient capacity to comply with the UNFCCC reporting guidelines, for example by providing timely answers to the additional questions raised by the ERT during the review. The ERT encourages Finland to explore the possibility of structuring its reporting, in its next annual submission, following the annotated outline of the NIR, and the guidance contained therein. [EC Inventory Report] [Finland Inventory Report]